NWO Triumphs!

Here we have Joe Biden, (installed like a toilet) — Biden has been a pain in the ass to America since elected to the U.S. Senate in 1972. Before that, he was just a minor pain in the ass to a county in Delaware. Joe Biden had gotten in the way of President Gerald Ford […]

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Woe To You Taxpayers!

America has become a wondrous nation in its short history; however, many Americans in recent times wonder if the nation will survive. The elites who run the global economy have subverted every part of American life and Americans alive today have absolutely no idea of their rights guaranteed under the Constitution. We have always been […]

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Kill The Mockingbird.

Why, within 5-years of its creation, (and at a time when it was run by military men from the top down,) did the CIA institute Operation Mockingbird? Newspapers had been run as fiefdoms of various publishing entities since the end of the War Between the States (where the elites of Europe caused America to turn […]

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Today — anti-semitism is in the news and we all know — you cannot speak about those who rule you. One of the most famous Rothschilds in England was quoted as saying: As you can see from the above quote, Mr. Rothschild was not speaking about England. They were not happy running the continent of […]

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